To see course description and to Signup:
Classes are held at the Culinary Arts House - 3137 Hampton Ave. 63139
Thomas Dunn Learning Center - 3113 Gasconade St, 63118
Sunday classes are 1-4
Monday classes are 5:30-8:30
2025 catalog is out and signups are open -
To browse the catalog-
To select a class-
Meramec Continuing Education
March 2 - Cake Decorating (Culinary Arts House) CLASS IS FULL
March 30 - Pasta (Thomas Dunn) CLASS IS FULL
April 27 (originally 4/20) - Tamales (Thomas Dunn)
May 11 - Summer Fun Cookie Decorating (Culinary Arts House)
June 1 - Pasta (Thomas Dunn) CLASS IS FULL
Invite your friends over for cooking or decorating fun.
Sundays or Mondays preferred.
Prices vary.
Avoid the cleanup and have your party at the
Culinary Arts House for a nominal fee.
3137 Hampton Ave. St. Louis 63139
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